Sunday, 23 January 2011

Coming soon...

I finally sat down to prepare a serious blog, about the images I'm asked to create and thoughts about my work, gear, and the industry as a whole. This is early days for me writing, and I'm still finding my way around the template designs here, so things may evolve over the next few months as I settle on a look and feel.

I hope to post at least once a week, though I know that can be a big commitment with this line of work. I'll try to keep the tone light but (hopefully) informative and entertaining, though you may have to suffer the odd whinge!* However, I'm a local press photographer, so much of what I end up saying on a daily basis is complete rubbish, used to distract reluctant subjects from the pain of having their picture taken!   :-)

* Apparently, we snappers are renowned for this. At least by journos. Expect to find out some of the reasons why...