3+ year-old MacBook has finally been replaced.
been my work machine for that time. Although I have a "works PC", it
is a PC, is slow, minimally specc'ed and pretty much unused and unloved. I must
be mad using my own kit but at least I do have stuff that does the required
business. Happy photographer = creative photographer, I've found...
old machine wasn't cutting edge when I bought it in April 2009. A 2Ghz
dual-core processor, 160gb hard drive and 2gb of RAM, in the then-new aluminium
unibody. I upgraded the RAM to the max 4gb via and it was used for editing,
captioning, transmitting and pretty much everything else after that. Using
Photo Mechanic and Lightroom 2, then latterly Aperture 3, it did everything I
needed as a press photographer. Reliably, too, day after day.
I shot JPEG.
I began to swap to raw shooting around 18 months ago, it became clear that it
was, if not struggling, then at least working very hard on these big files. I
evolved a way of working that eased the pressure a bit (import JPEGs, select
from these, use that selection to import just those raws) but knew that when
the AppleCare expired I'd have to think about a replacement.
had to wait a bit, as the rumour'ed new MacBook Pro and Air models took a while
longer to arrive than I'd hoped, but they turned up in mid-June. Decisions,
took me several weeks of checking, thinking and visits to Apple Stores. I'd read other photographers' very positive reviews and opinions of older versions of the Air and the new versions were more powerful. Was the
screen big enough? Did I need to have a bigger hard drive? Apple had also
launched the first MacBook Pro
with Retina display, and that was tempting for a while. But I finally chose the smallest.
Here's my new 11.6" MacBook Air.
MacBook Air 11.6". Dwarfed by the 27" iMac sitting some way behind it. |