Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Be careful what you wish for…

She was tall, dark, leggy. I was always at a distance, never permitted in her presence. She was, I was told, out of my class, forbidden. I could only look on with envy, lust even. Then one day last year, I was allowed, no, encouraged to whisk her to a cricket match and fondle her…

Much more, after the break.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

“And they were all … orange” (with apologies to Coldplay)

It’s May, so it’s election time again. With the General Election out of the way for a few years, this time it was just our local council wards who were choosing their councillors. In a rare vote for common sense, it was decided that an overnight count was NOT required for this, so it was off to the local sports hall on Friday last week. I was lucky. Many of my colleagues were obliged to work a 24hr+ shift, covering those who still felt self-important enough to hold an overnight count. (Or perhaps, thanks to our bosses..)

Now, the rival paper’s snapper and I have a name for this place – “The Orange Temple of Doom”. It has possibly the worst lighting I have ever seen in a hall. Orange sodium vapour lamps give a terrible colour cast and there is precious little light anyway. An utterly dismal place to shoot....

More after the break.